Sunday, November 22, 2009

Payment Reform Act

I get so irritated with info like this!! So we understand from the President's statement that some new Act has been passed impacting Medicare...he is "gratified" and blah, blah, blah. But it doesn't explain what this Pay as you Go thing really is all about and doesn't provide any source for further research on the subject. Give me a break!

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
November 19, 2009
Statement from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on House Passage of the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act
“President Obama commends the House of Representatives for taking action to protect the care and physician choice that Medicare beneficiaries and TRICARE patients have earned. The Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act includes key provisions to update the payment system – including eliminating the steep payment cut scheduled for 2010, consistent with the President's FY 2010 budget proposal. The bill also increases payments for evaluation and management services and encourages the formation of accountable care organizations.
President Obama is also gratified that the House included statutory Pay-as-You-Go legislation in this package. Statutory PAYGO is an important, commonsense tool to help re-establish fiscal discipline in Washington, a principle that the President has long supported – particularly with respect to health care reform.
This legislation is an important step forward, and the Administration will continue to work with Congress to achieve comprehensive reforms, ensure choice and high-quality care for beneficiaries, and restore fiscal discipline in our legislative process.”

Monday, November 9, 2009

Article III and Amendment XXII

Article III, The Judicial Branch and Amendment XXII, Presidential Term Limits
The United States Constitution is an agreement which America was founded upon. The U.S.Constitution is a contract among the states which includes general written procedures as a guideline to follow. This agreement is the principle doctrine referenced by the separate entities under the umbrella of justice and order. The U.S. Constitution includes Articles and Amendments to separate and clearly identify the issue addressed within the corresponding title.
Article III of the Constitution pertains to the Judicial Branch of the legal system. Section I indicates powers will be extended for life terms to those whom are given the honor of holding positions by appointment as long as the Judge serves on good behavior. The monetary compensation of said Judges is addressed within this section. Additionally, part one indicates the Supreme Court is the highest authority of any other court. Section two involves traveling individuals whom may be on trial and how jurisdiction could impact the case. This section also explains that criminal matters may all be heard by utilizing a jury during trial. Finally, section three of this Article involves treason which can best be described as “the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which one owes allegiance, either by making war against the state or by materially supporting its enemies (Garner, B.A).” As previously mentioned, the U.S. Constitution includes Amendments as well. Amendment twenty-two pertains to Presidential term limits and defines guidelines specific to office.
The Judicial branch was originally established to create uniformity among decisions thus impacting justice in the US positively by enforcing a system of reliability. Additionally, due to an increasing rise in hearings, the use of one Supreme Court alone became inadequate. Government granted authority to more inferior courts in jurisdictions across the nation called district courts. This eliminated the travel issues that were surfacing during the time of the Great Depression which also impacted income. Judges monetary compensation was addressed in Article III due to taxes impacting income in some areas of the country which was not fair across the nation considering all Judges were fulfilling the same role and should be compensated justly. One of the aspects relative to an Article III Judge is the election by appointment to office and held for a life term assuming the Judge maintains good behavior. This factor has negative aspects due to the possibility for negligence in performance of responsibilities and biased opinion. Similarly, Amendment twenty-two has advantages for the United States Government by enacting limitations on the Presidential term. Specifically, one individual may not be eligible for the Presidency more than two four year terms. As a benefit for the nation a new President may bring new hope for the people, different experience, and change. However, as a negative impact for the country, just when the President has some experience and education, now the individual is no longer eligible. Interestingly, “By its terms, the Twenty-Second Amendment bars only the election of two-term Presidents, and this prohibition would not prevent someone who had twice been elected President from succeeding to the office after having been elected or appointed Vice-President (Amendment 22—presidential tenure, 2002).”
It is evident the Judicial Branch of the Government, Article III of the US Constitution serves an important task in maintaining the legal system. Clearly, Amendment XXII is a corresponding agreement allocating a similar purpose. Given there is not perfection in any form whether it be with in the legal system, public school system, health care system or other wise, the procedures that have been established for this society are functioning appropriately. It is reasonable to anticipate improvement and challenge policy anytime. In fact, awareness needs improvement among society otherwise the Presidency would not be so heavily relied on. The people just find it easier to blame someone else than to take a stand and action themselves.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Welcome to my Blog

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Many times I find that websites do not offer the function to share information via the facebook application and I have come across so much stuff that I would like to share!!

So anyway...had to start a Blog.
