Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ryan & Desiree Introduce Mommy to "The Puppy Game"

“The Puppy Game”
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday mornings I usually get up before the girls and make biscuits and eggs for breakfast. It is the only day of the week we have time for a homemade breakfast at home, so I try to make it special. After breakfast, as I was cleaning the kitchen and the Disney movie the girls were watching ended, I peeked out of the kitchen to see what the kids were up to and saw them kiss. It is so nice to see they love each other, then I got kisses and Ryan asked me if we could play “The Puppy Game.”

They really get into puppy stuff. They always ask me if they can be my puppies. It’s like I have puppies instead of little girls. They crawl around with their tongues hanging out and they lick each other. Oh dear, I know. They bark all the time. Ryan thinks I am allergic to dogs for some reason. I am not sure where she got this idea. That is why we do not have a real dog though apparently.

I joined them in the living room and as I lay down on the floor I asked, “How does this game go?” Ryan said, “We are the puppies.” And then they began to demonstrate.

“And I am the one that gets wallered all over?” I asked. Soon, we were in a full blown wrestling match! Two ferocious “puppies” attacking me. They stood side by side and growled at me before attacking and I said, “I’m scared.” And that wasn’t far from the truth! The girls know just where to jab and pounce to cut off all my circulation and air flow and they know right where my hernia is. Of course they do not hurt me intentionally.

My girls had such a good time! I’m not sure that I would have made it out alive had I not curled into a ball there at the end. I inhaled a bit of fresh air and realizing I was free, got up and said, “Oh good, I’m free.” Ryan said, “Yeah, I had to help you, I thought you were crying.” We all laughed.

I do not recall wrestling with my mom like that when I was a kid. I think maybe this is me doing the daddy part too. You hear of single parents taking on the role of both parents. I told Desiree she is my little Yorkie because she is so tiny and on the go all the time…oh and she will still potty in the house even though she is house broken. Ryan is my Golden Retriever because she is loving but likes to be free.