So, every now and then I post a blog entry about my walk with the Lord and how that is going. Its nothing fancy, I’m not a religious nut or anything like that. My life has its ups and downs just as everyone does and I am far from perfect…but anyway here goes.
I was reading a book titled “Celebration of Discipline” which is an intriguing study about learning how to meditate the Christian way and other disciplines to put ones self before God in an effort to seek Him so you may develop a more intimate relationship with God.
Bible in Basic English
“And you will be searching for me and I will be there, when you have gone after me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
I find the more I expose myself to God the more I consciously think about God and therefore, the more Christ-like I become. For example, making simple choices to live righteously such as, listening to Christian radio versus secular radio, praying before each meal consistently, praying with the girls before we tuck them in at night, reading Christian literature instead of fictional novels. Watching what I am exposed to on TV, the internet and in movies. I am taking precautions for protecting myself from the harsh realities of the world basically.
Now, when an irritant arises which poses an opportunity to be less than Christ-like, I am better prepared. I have been practicing a God centered life, so I stop and think about situations and respond to them instead of reacting to them. I think about the other person instead of making presumptions.
You may have noticed I did not mention going to church. We do attend church once a week on Sunday mornings which is very fulfilling to us but going to church is not a requirement for having a close relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Developing a routine has made all the difference. I am able to focus carefully on child rearing, including proper instruction and discipline. I am fully functional in all capacities that I am supposed to be doing without being overdrawn on my personal limitations and therefore I need not sacrifice on being thorough. I am NOT stretched too thin.
In Divorce Care class, which I attended at a former church I regularly attended and loved…they inform all us single people that one does not need anyone else to complete them because an individual is whole without a partner. I believed that then but I knew it was God’s plan for me to have a partner again one day. Now, I contemplate what Divorce Care taught and know in the bible it says God saw Adam was alone and it was not good.