Sunday, July 11, 2010

God never gave up on US...lets never give up on HIM.

God created man in HIS IMAGE. We have all heard that haven't we? It is one of those basic biblical facts taught in Sunday school when we are little children. BUT...have we REALLY heard it?
I know I always thought about “His image” in comparison with myself as, “Okay that's cool, I look like God.” But oh no!! That is not exactly what is meant in its entirety about how we have been created in His image.
I ask the reader to consider this: God created a whole lot of awesomeness but He created man in HIS IMAGE. That doesn't mean just in appearance that also means we have similar emotions. Additionally, just as God presides over the Heaven's; He has granted man with the authority for presiding over the Earth. None of His other creations have been granted such a privilege. What an honorable position to be in.
Can you believe it that God trusts us so much that he grants full authority over the Earth to man!? You know what that means don't you? GOD HAS FAITH IN US! He never gave up His faith in us either, EVEN AFTER man fell into sin. God STILL believed in us so much so that He sent His one and only son, Jesus to walk the Earth sinless and ultimately sacrifice His life for us. God literally created a loop hole for us because He believes in us so much.
Holy cow! I get chills thinking about that, and here is why...
As we know, based on life experiences in parenting and career, anyone with authority has a huge responsibility! When I go downstairs and my daughters remain upstairs, my 7 year old daughter asks, “Mommy, am I in charge?” I answer, “Yes, you are in charge.”
She gains a sense of pride knowing I trust her to ensure my 3 year old daughter doesn't do something stupid while I am not around.
How awesome it is to think of ourselves from God's perspective...He trusts us so much that we are responsible for ALL of His other creations. Take a look at this verse and think about that.

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends IF you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” John 15:13-15

God has put us in charge and we must take accountability for this responsibility.
We are literally amidst a Spiritual warfare during our own walk's on Earth. Praise God we are not exposed to the same public ridicule for what we believe in this Country as in many Countries however, never doubt for a moment...we are indeed involved in a War.
I am so thankful for my friends, both the friends I encounter about my walk in the secular environment and my friends at church.

GOD knew that everyone needs
companionship and cheer,
He knew that people need someone
whose thoughts are always near.

He knew they need someone kind
to lend a helping hand.
Someone to gladly take the time
to care and understand.

GOD knew that we all need someone
to share each happy day,
to be a source of courage
when troubles come our way.

Someone to be true to us,
whether near or far apart.
Someone whose love we’ll always
hold and treasure in our hearts.

That’s Why GOD Gave Us Friends.
(Author unknown)

I have limited knowledge but God grants me understanding the closer I grow in relationship with Him...our personal, intimate relationship...just Him and me.The potential for my knowledge is unstoppable because I have tapped into a intimate friendship with the source!!

“[Ask, Seek, Knock] "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”- Matthew 7:7-8

I encounter many people out there on this Spiritual battlefield and although I am nothing more than a young warrior in my walk of faith, I can make a difference by sharing what I do know with the others and by conducting my life in such a way that REPRESENTS. I can teach others what its like to be a Believer and leave them completely unaware they were just informed. Its about consistency and to have that stability takes MUCH effort by reconnecting with my Father in Heaven daily. After all, we encounter Satan daily don't we? Sadly, often people do not even realize they are under attack by Satan. We are all in a different place in our individual walks of faith with the Lord.
We all know that teamwork has its challenges and we have heard the phrase, “There is no I in team.” Many times conflict arises among team members therefore resulting in drama.
Why is it that if teamwork is so difficult do employer's keep running business in this way? Well I'm glad you asked because there are answers! The benefit of teamwork is so great that it far outweighs the negative aspects.
Working together in a combined effort toward a common goal offers the exchange of idea's and affords us the opportunity to learn from each other and meet goals more efficiently and with a better final result. Truly intelligent people realize they do not already know everything.
Because this is the case in the business world, perhaps it is the same from a Spiritual perspective? True, being inside of a church makes us no more Christian than being inside of a garage makes us car's but we NEED our friends at church who are further a long in their walks of faith so we can ask questions and learn from them. We also need them for support because a re-connection with in our church family reminds us we are not alone!
It is no different than coming home to the warm embrace of a spouse and telling him or her about your day. My hope for your home is peace, love, contentment. Home is where you can lay aside the harsh, cruel, exhaustion from your walk in the world (the battlefield) and recuperate for the next day (battle).
As my Pastor once put it, “Is it no wonder Satan attacks relationships so much? We NEED each other so we can be prepared to do God's work.”
Men and women are designed in His Image AND, we are designed for EACH OTHER. Complimentary strengths and weaknesses that when combined are unstoppable. Do you think Satan wants God to win? Absolutely not...
I have been dating some and during this process find many areas for opportunities in ministry. Unfortunately, temptation presents itself for my own sinful nature to be challenged as well. I go out there with the best intentions but faced with temptation along the way. It reminds me of one of the Twelve Steps from the Celebrate Recovery ministry: “We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.”
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!” 1 Corinthians 10:12
We all have human is immune. Each time a temptation arises, I just know if I can get past it my relationship with God will improve. He and me will become even closer, even stronger.
I spoke with a couple of Godly girlfriends about my weaknesses and gained insight from them. One told me if I feel that I am unable to get past the weakness I should pray like this, “God, I can't do this by myself. Please help.” She said God wants me to ask Him for help and I know she is right but I needed her to remind me and provide some direction.Many times when we are in the midst of our own dilemma the path is unclear. We need our support group and trusting accountability partners to slap us out of it occasionally. Satan never makes temptation easy to is always appealing. One must be willing to acknowledge our flaws! 
Step One: "We admit we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable." I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Romans 7:18
Now I think about my weakness in this way - if I can be faithful to a man for 12 years during our dating and marriage, I should certainly be able to remain faithful to God. After all, God is fulfilling the husband position in my life at this time. In order for me to be the wife God intends for me to be someday I must be faithful to God first and foremost.
So, having said all of that to say – we need our church family and if you haven't found a church home please consider joining me where I go. We laugh, we cry but we never judge. The Pastor is so good at making every individual feel comfortable and welcome and he wants everyone to understand church is not for the sinless but is a hospital for the hurt.
How many of us have been brokenhearted due to marriages that end in divorce and the resulting baggage is loss of faith in marriage? Many, many men have given up hope on marriage and it is no longer considered sacred. Lets not forget who designed marriage...GOD DID. 
A friend of mine nearly lost his life in '07 when involved in a motorcycle accident. The doctor's did not think he would make it through the night but he did. The doctor's did not think he would make it through a year, but he did. The doctor's never expected him to bodily function in a normal way again but after 3 years he is a walking miracle!
While recovering, his friends asked him if he would ever ride a motorcycle again. His response was, "After a car accident do you give up on cars? Are you going to go buy a horse and travel by horse everywhere you go?"
WOW!! That is an awesome response and he is so right! Likewise, even if you have been in marriage and it failed before...are you going to give up? I will never give up on marriage.
Just like God never gave up on US...lets never give up on HIM.


Anonymous said...

Your comment "we encounter satan daily" made me start thinking.... satan actively pursues us, especially if we are doing the work of the Father.... and he encounters us through temptation multiple times each day.... my mind immediately wondered ... how many times do I encounter God in a day? My new motto "Make sure my God encounters out number the satan encounters each day in my life!!!!"


Christina said...

I know what you mean Jeff...that is a nice thought to make a conscious effort to experience those "God encounters." I do my best to not even realize how many times a day I pray because talking with God just happens so naturally that I pray all the time throughout the day...not just before meals and bedtime. :-)