Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 I feel compelled to address the most elusive yet quite simple answer for THE MEANING OF LIFE. 

It is not my responsibility to be a spiritual leader, nevertheless it seems to be a very misunderstood aspect of life. Spirituality…more commonly referred to as God, rests in the hands and hearts of each and every individual to “seek and find” the Truth.
I acknowledge that ‘Religion’ can and does establish confusion and even a precedence for perhaps "blaming" God for less-than-ideal life circumstances. 
Regardless of whichever religious affiliation one may have OR the lack thereof, it is commonly mentioned that God makes no mistakes. Whether an individual is capable of this understanding or not is entirely up to that individual based upon…“have you knocked”?
Allow me to explain…every individual has their own "cross to bear" which is unique to each individual. God never allows "for more than we can tolerate". God never promised us life would be easy. Actually, the meaning of life is all about us as SPIRITUAL BEINGS having a PHYSICAL experience and God is very clear this “physical experience” is very short in length of time. Therefore, whether an individual’s "cross" is a genetically pre-dispositioned disability or the loss of a limb from fighting during war or cancer or being a minority, etcetera...each and every "cross" is that particular individual’s burden to bear. The second and more important part of the meaning of life is..."did you fight the good fight? Did you keep the faith?"
Furthermore, it is not God whom has dominion over the earth. God gave us humans dominion over the earth and included the bonus of "free will" but interestingly, because God is "all knowing" He already knew exactly which decisions individuals would make with their "free will" and thus, took that into consideration. 
In summary, it is not WHAT your particular burden is or even which decisions you have made to find yourself amidst the burdens (trials aka learning experiences aka challenges). Burdens of the past, burdens where you are now and the burdens where you will be are inevitable. What IS important is HOW you got through it all that matters most.
And for goodness sake…do not take my word for it. Find out for yourself...

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