Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 I feel compelled to address the most elusive yet quite simple answer for THE MEANING OF LIFE. 

It is not my responsibility to be a spiritual leader, nevertheless it seems to be a very misunderstood aspect of life. Spirituality…more commonly referred to as God, rests in the hands and hearts of each and every individual to “seek and find” the Truth.
I acknowledge that ‘Religion’ can and does establish confusion and even a precedence for perhaps "blaming" God for less-than-ideal life circumstances. 
Regardless of whichever religious affiliation one may have OR the lack thereof, it is commonly mentioned that God makes no mistakes. Whether an individual is capable of this understanding or not is entirely up to that individual based upon…“have you knocked”?
Allow me to explain…every individual has their own "cross to bear" which is unique to each individual. God never allows "for more than we can tolerate". God never promised us life would be easy. Actually, the meaning of life is all about us as SPIRITUAL BEINGS having a PHYSICAL experience and God is very clear this “physical experience” is very short in length of time. Therefore, whether an individual’s "cross" is a genetically pre-dispositioned disability or the loss of a limb from fighting during war or cancer or being a minority, etcetera...each and every "cross" is that particular individual’s burden to bear. The second and more important part of the meaning of life is..."did you fight the good fight? Did you keep the faith?"
Furthermore, it is not God whom has dominion over the earth. God gave us humans dominion over the earth and included the bonus of "free will" but interestingly, because God is "all knowing" He already knew exactly which decisions individuals would make with their "free will" and thus, took that into consideration. 
In summary, it is not WHAT your particular burden is or even which decisions you have made to find yourself amidst the burdens (trials aka learning experiences aka challenges). Burdens of the past, burdens where you are now and the burdens where you will be are inevitable. What IS important is HOW you got through it all that matters most.
And for goodness sake…do not take my word for it. Find out for yourself...

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Current Times

It's worse than I had first thought. The racism and hatred of current times has accelerated to such extremes that it may only be described as horrible and corrupt. Each of us in the United States of America need to be extremely wary and cautious. Prepare for the worse. It is with much regret and sadness that I must warn everyone now, is the truth. 

Their are many very clear signs which reveal that not only is our Government WANTING to separate us by emphasizing news events which clearly sympathize with a minority group but also seem to indicate weapons of defense are to be considered deplorable and thus, imply to citizens they will be safer to disarm! Many citizens are ignorant enough to simply follow the crowd and agree with Government advice...unknowingly walking into their death traps.

What type of tactic has the US Government came to? It is a desperate attempt to destroy us because they want to merge as a One World Order with the United Nations. (Make no mistake, whoever has the money; has the power.)

Refer to this quote: 

"A free people ought only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them; which would include their own government." George Washington

I have been concerned over this very thing for over seven years and those who know me well know this to be quite true. I have kept these concerns largely to myself  due to people who think such things are simply "conspiracy theorists" ideals. However, given time its come to my attention that anything I say will likely fall upon deaf ears. Regardless, it is my duty as a Watchman to bring it to your attention. I am just the messenger.

Should you have any questions or concerns please follow my Blog. You may also message me.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Everyone's Lives Matter!!

Okay, I'm going to say it...I'm disgusted with racism. It's no longer just about black people. Its about all people...and yes, even white people too. I refuse to apologize for being born with skin that is light in color. I have worked hard for everything I have. I have never been 'given' anything, in FACT, I see immigrants and other minorities receiving privileges based upon their skin color and nothing more. Many immigrants and minorities take advantage of the United States and receive benefits which they did not have to work for or deserve what they get.
I am referring to privileges such as tax exemption and scholarships. I'm referring to employment opportunities they receive based upon being bilingual. Their are several other benefits which 'they' receive unlike me...a white, US citizen who does NOT receive. YET, here I am criticized for expressing any opinion of cultural pride because my ancestors came from more established and wealthier countries than other people did. Well, guess what...NOT ANYMORE. I take a stand NOW. America is this Great Melting Pot and that means y'all are no worse or better than me and I am no worse or better than suck it up. Be adults about this. Stop playing the RACE CARD. Its OLD NEWS and I'm SICK of it. You should be sick of it too. Wake up. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Summer Light

When I first discovered it was common for people to enjoy thunderstorms, I was thoroughly disgusted.

Like...REALLY? C'mon people, get your own interests already! 

Now, I just roll with it. I guess everybody likes to watch true crime documentaries, read, bake and laugh until they cry. Not in that specific order of course.

My two daughters (now 13 and 9 years old) went to their daddies house on Friday for his 5 week summer visitation which is part of the Arkansas standard schedule. It's my least favorite time of the year because I really miss the girls a lot even though I still get to see them every other weekend. Its just that I'm used to seeing them everyday...ya, know?

The girls have been calling me everyday which has been a very nice surprise!! They miss me and love me and want to include me in their lives even when we cannot be together. I really like that. We are close which is VERY special. is priceless.

Dr. Laura was RIGHT when she recommended that IF people get divorced they should NOT get married again until AFTER the kids are grown up. I heard her say that on the radio BEFORE I even thought about getting a divorce 10 years ago.

I understand this is controversial. Their are MANY good step parents out there who would argue with this recommendation. Even I can see some situations when remarriage has been beneficial so I cannot suggest that in anyway remarriage is a no go in all circumstances.

Logically speaking from a female perspective, with two female children statistics reveal the risks are greater than the possible benefits especially in consideration of the laws of no co-habitation. I mean, how well can you really know anyone just by going out to dinner with them a few times a month? Thanks, but no thanks.

Besides, guess what? Our children didn't get to pick their parents and they certainly didn't decide we split up. Plus, we only get one opportunity to raise our children. ONE. We should spend that time wisely. Would you like to know how I decided to spend my children's lives wisely?

I really feel sad to have to say this...

I had to choose between my husband and my kids.

My parents fought a lot in front of me and my sister when we were growing up and it did something to me. It changed me somehow.

I didn't want that to happen to my girls too.

I had to leave the love of my life in order to protect my children. In order to provide them with peace.

My ex-husband and me fought all the time in front of the children. We were together for two years before we got married, then married for ten years. It took me two years of deep thought and prayer and consideration before I finally made the final decision.

I also wanted for him to be happy and me too. And now we all are. He remarried shortly after the divorce. I remain single...8 years now.

Its important to be able to go home and feel safe and content and peaceful and loved.

*It has been scientifically proven that children who grow up in an environment of abuse develop many issues which carry on throughout adulthood affecting many aspects of life. 


Children and Domestic Violence:

Dr. Laura:

Saturday, July 2, 2016

It Doesn't Have to Be the Best...Always

Stories is one of the first things which we are taught, perhaps even while still in the womb. I know that when I was pregnant I read to my babies. It was fun, engaging and helped my emotional connection with the unborn baby I was growing. So a STORY is not just a bunch of words, it is entertainment...
it is enrichment...
it is learning...
it is growth...
it is well...time, well spent.
And speaking of time, have you heard of the ancient story about Alexander the Great? Well, that story is one of my very favorite which I think of often and reference frequently. 
Just in case you haven't heard, allow me the honor of telling you.
Alexander the Great was a mighty warrior who lived many years ago. He became quite famous for conquering several Countries by many Wars. 
Along the way many miles from home Alexander the Great fell ill and lay upon his death bed. Having so, he called upon his Generals to give his last wishes. 

"First, I want only the finest surgeons of all the country to carry my casket.
Secondly, I want my hands to be hanging openly for all to see.
Third, I want all of my wealth - the rubies and anything I have to be scattered freely behind the funeral procession for all."

The Generals looked amongst each other aghast. They were all in shock of they just heard. Finally, the most trusted General asked Alexander the Great, "Sir, Why do ask of us these three things?"

To which Alexander the Great replied,
"First, I want everyone to know that when it is your time, not even the finest surgeon's can SAVE you.
Secondly, I want everyone to see that as you come into this life with empty hands, you also leave this life with EMPTY hands.
Last, I want everyone who comes to my funeral to realize the only thing we have which has any value is our spend it wisely."

Interesting perspective and thought provoking isn't it?

I have personally spent many hours reading countless books and even more hours watching TV. My favorite author is Wally Lamb. One of his books is 'The Hour I First Believed'. I can't say it was his best, yet it was good. I won't apologize for having spent those hours reading his book. I spend several hours watching ID channel, 'Investigation Discovery'. Some of it I agree with...okay, most of it I do and find entertaining. I won't apologize to myself for spending those hours watching that either.

Should I apologize to my body though for hours I'm sitting their watching TV instead of doing physical activity?

I think not because I am a Christian and my body is but a vessel that I must be entombed in while on earth. However, I do nothing to excess. I do not eat in excess, I do not drink in excess, I do not watch TV in excess, I do not exercise in excess, I do not work in excess, I do not read in excess, I do not read in excess, I do not pray in excess, I do not avoid in excess.

So, in speaking of 'excess'...lets address that. Ladies, men do not care if you are 20 pounds in excess or not. You really shouldn't either. Love yourselves.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Be Yourself, No Matter What the Cost

Sometimes when I first wake up a brilliant thought comes to mind immediately, or at least what I believe to be brilliant. Since I don't keep a paper and pen next to my bed, I grab my phone and send myself a text message because I know I will forget it later. Also, even though my two best friends adore me for my weirdness, even they would find a random text from me like that particularly I must send it to myself.

Anyway, later on when I wake up better and have more time I can think about it and write. I decided to start blogging again instead of just doing Facebook status updates. I'm a writer. It is what I love. If nobody reads it, I don't care. I've written nine books and have been encouraged to publish for profit but I don't want to. Its not from fear of rejection because believe me, I've endured plenty of that. In fact, that attributes partly to why I am not a coward and I am able to be genuinely myself. 

Which brings me to the thought I had the other morning, "If people do not learn how to be content with what they have, they will never be happy, no matter how much they ever get."

I realized this can apply to ALL matters in life including professional endeavors, personal relationships and self image.

What does it matter if you earn a six figure income, live in your dream home, have a perfect body and married to a really nice person who you raise lovely and talented children with, IF you are still running around like some mad person searching for a better, more desirable and more rewarding existence? 

I'll answer in Part II...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What Makes You Special

Have you ever thought about what is it that sets yourself apart from everyone else? You may ask yourself, "What is it exactly that makes me so special? What is it about me that makes my mom and dad think I'm so great anyway?"
You may think, 'My friends tell me I'm smart and important.'
The reason I am led to write this today is because after years of observation on social media and life experience its become obvious that none of us are particularly unique or "special" in our own right. In fact, we are all so much the same that it is sickening.
You probably noticed it when you were first realizing that you were an individual, separate from your parents and attempting to express yourself - only to realize that during your futile efforts, a bunch of other people also did the same things you did. You thought they were "copying" you, but truth is...they were just trying to express themselves too. 
If you are a good photographer - guess what, somebody else you know is also a good photographer. If you are a writer, I bet you know at least two or three other writers. If you are a fashion designer, there are plenty of them too. There are lots of computer geniuses, gaming nerds, science geeks, math whizzes, musicians and artists each and all are better and more successful the last.
Clearly what you do does not make you special so perhaps its your personality, right? Wrong.
If you are funny, their will always be somebody funnier than you. If you are outgoing, their will always be somebody more awesome than you. If you are shy, I promise their is somebody else out there who has less Facebook friends than you. 
If you say something which you think is unique, think again - it has already been said. There are NO unique quotes anymore. Your personality holds no merit to anyone who does not personally know you.
Having said that, that is exactly what makes you special - the people who know you. To THEM, you are special.
So hold those relationships close and don't hurt them. Honor your parents. Be good to your friends. Be kind to your neighbors. Respect your elders. Respect yourself.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


He goes to weddings...always as a guest, never as the groom. He takes gifts to the bride and groom...but has not been gifted with a bride of his own. Some of his friends have established careers and nice homes. He, on the other hand, owns no home and is just beginning a new career with meager finances. When visiting his married friends, he holds their children and spends time with them. They are drawn to him, though he has no children of his own.
He is a virile man with natural sexual desires, a man who experiences true temptation. He is a man of spiritual commitment that keeps him from sexual involvement outside of marriage. His spiritual depth leads him to fully support his churches position on sexual abstinence for those unmarried.
He is regarded by some in his community as different...a misfit...not conforming to societys norm. However, he is intelligent, verbally gifted, and more than able to hold his own in community debates. He is not afraid to express his thoughts and feelings publicly...not ashamed to shed a tear among friends.
He is a content, confident man who knows who he is and what he wants, yet he does experience times of intense lonliness and longing. Typically, he is not thoughtt of in this way, but this single man's name is Jesus.
(An excerpt from a book by June Hunt)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If Only More People Could be as BRAVE as Tim Tebow!

Tim Tebow’s viewpoint on life is a refreshing change in a heavily polluted media surrounding societies lifestyles of Liberal vs. Christian and the media's determination to discourage others from following a godly path. Despite what people may admit, the media has a significant role in establishing the trends of popular culture. Unfortunately, it is apparent the mainstream media emphasizes Christian’s to be closed-minded, judgmental and old fashioned while the less religious types (most generally Liberals and Democrats) are considered open-minded, politically correct individuals who are current with the times. It is for this reason I monitor what is watched in my home and what is listened to in my car. I like to maintain my own perspective rather than allow an out sourced opinion of someone else to subconsciously make an impression on me. In this way I can tap into my own creativity and express opinions that are uniquely my own. If only more people could be like Tim Tebow and allow themselves to express their own politically incorrect opinions. But then again, it does takes courage to stand alone with an unpopular opinion. I would encourage anyone to watch the attached YouTube video (by clicking on the title of this blog) and to follow Mr. Tebow’s career going forward.
How creative God is to use this nation’s most widely watched and closely followed sporting event to exalt His name! The Tebow perspective can be practiced by anyone. For example, if what you do for a living is a stay at home mom, sweep the floors, do the dishes, tend to your children…all for God’s glory. If what you do for a living is perhaps more public, live a lifestyle that sets an example for others. You will be ministering to them and they won’t even know it!
I think father's in particular may benefit from reading Tebow's new book titled, "Through My Eyes" which should be interesting enough to capture the attention of men and maintain their attention; after all, it IS about football...right?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life is a Little Bit Real...a Little Bit Not...and All about Perception

When I spend time in personal meditation, I'm always taken to a peaceful place in my dreams...the countryside of Ireland. Why does this place which I have never actually ventured to seem to hold serenity for me I wonder? Perhaps because it is somewhere I have never been and thus reality has not pocessed my ideal of Ireland. For example, I saw the ocean for the first time when I was about twenty-one years old. I knew of the ocean before then of course, only from television and movies. Because my pre-conceived ideal of the ocean was that of flawless sun tanned beauties, I had prepared myself to get there and see just that...but strangely enough, the people whom visited the beach on the same days as I, were not that of perfectly toned women in their early twenties but rather, ordinary women who looked like me...or 'gasp' not quite as good looking as me. So, shall I ruin my pre-conceived ideal's of Ireland and visit this country...or shall I keep my prestine Ireland country-side exactly that...prestine? This isn't much different than the pre-conceived notions of a child hoping to one day meet her 'knight in shining armor' only to discover in dating; there is no knight, much less shining armor to recognize him by. So, I guess life has its ways of disappointing us...without doing anything to be rationale cause for disappointment. In having made these observations as it relates to realistic life versus dream life, I can only assume true happiness is but simply a state of perseption. Well in THAT case...let the happiness continue and emerge one moment at a time, one day at a time, one year at a time and do not look back.